West km Help

Other West km System Requirements


West km System Requirements

Following are the system requirements for West km version 6.6. Except where noted otherwise, these requirements apply to West km for Litigation, West km for Transactions, and West km Enterprise (Litigation and Transactions).

All requirements are current as of the publication of this document. Please confirm the specific requirements with your West km technical consultant before software installation.

West km Server Configuration

The West km server(s) must be dedicated solely to West km resources and should not be shared with other applications or services. All servers must be up to date with all of the latest available Operating System patches.

The following items are the client's responsibility to provide.

Hardware - 64 bit

Processor:  8-Core Xeon 2.5 GHz or faster

Memory: 32 GB or higher


Operating System

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit), Windows Server 2016 (GUI, 64-bit), Windows Server 2019 (GUI, 64-bit), or Windows Server 2022 (GUI, 64-bit) and PowerShell 5.1 or higher must be installed prior to installing West km.

The following components are installed with West km:

Internet Information Services (IIS) 8.5 (2012), 10.0 (2016)

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2, 64-bit

Corretto 8 JRE

Microsoft F# Runtime 4.0, 64-bit

Chocolately (KM Installation)

Chocolately Core.Extension (KM Installation)

SQL Server Express 2017 or 2019

SQL Server Management Studio 17

*KB2919355, KB2919442, Vcredist2013 12.0.30501 (SQL Express)

Oracle-inside-out-install 6.0 (HTML Conversion)

Vcredist2010 10.0.40219 (Cite Recognition)


Nssm 2.24.0 (Kibana)




Note: A secondary drive separate from the Operating System drive is required for the installation of the West km software suite to accommodate Elastic search data, SQL, and logs.


System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing must be disabled.


Remote Accessibility: WinRM service needs to be started and set to automatic startup. Firewall rules and security settings need to allow for WinRM traffic to each one of the West km servers.


IIS Components

Web Server
.NET Framework 4.5 or higher
Windows Authentication
WebDAV Authoring needs to be uninstalled


Database Management

By default, West km can be installed with SQL Express 2017 or 2019 (see SQL Server Requirements below). West km can also use an existing SQL Server instance with the configurations listed below:

·         Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise Edition: 2022, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 (64-bit) AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS set to ON for the West km databases

·         Static port configuration required

·         Cannot be installed on a domain controller

·         High Availability/Always On must be turned off during installation (can be turned on post-installation)


                Note: Your SQL password cannot contain special characters: ( ) - & @ * $ | % ~ = # < >


SQL Server Requirements

  • <1,000,000 Documents
    • SQL Server Express can be installed as part of installation or Existing SQL environment can be used
      • Databases km / kmRID need to be created or restored prior to installation
      • Account must have DBOwner rights to km / kmRID databases
  • >1,000,000 Documents
    • SQL Server Standard or Enterprise required (client's responsibility to provide)
      • Databases km / kmRID need to be created or restored prior to installation
      • Account must have DBOwner rights to km / kmRID databases


Network Configuration

West km supports a multiple domain environment. For IWA (Integrated Windows Authentication), an LDAP or GC connection string and network account with non-expiring password associated to each domain will need to be provided.


Statement of Compatibility for Virtual Environments

Support is provided for West km running on a virtual environment (e.g., VMware) without initially requiring reproduction of West km issues on native hardware. The virtual machines must meet minimum requirements.

If your West km technical consultant suspects that the virtualization layer is the root cause of an issue, you may be required to contact the appropriate support provider for your virtual environment to resolve the issue.

West km functional issues are rare under virtual environments, but performance and capacity issues are more common. Performance issues that deviate from internal benchmarks will require you to disable other systems that are competing for physical system resources and may possibly require you to remove West km from the virtual environment altogether.


Security and Access Considerations


            Browser with Internet Access

                Microsoft Edge current version

                Firefox current version
                Chrome current version

Note: An SSL certificate is required within IIS on the West km server to support integration between West km and Westlaw.

Note: Native XMLHTTP support must be enabled. To enable this feature, click Tools and then click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab and scroll to the Security section. Ensure that the Enable XMLHTTP Support option is checked.


            Firewall and Proxy Exceptions

                        Note: Proxy authentication is not supported.


All of your West km servers must allow HTTP and port 80 or HTTPS and port 443 access for outbound TCP communications through your firewall. If you have a proxy server and utilize authentication, the West km server should be listed as an exception so it bypasses the proxy server.


West km will need the ability to invoke web requests to the following URL’s through powershell for the installation:
















            Ports and URLs

The ports used by West km are listed below. You may need to change port settings if a conflict exists with another service already using that port or if a firewall blocks a port.


Database Management Server Ports

1433 Microsoft SQL Server’s default port

               Note: Microsoft SQL Server must be configured to use a static port.


West km Ports

8083      Litigation Analysis service port

8084      CaRE Indexing Doc server port

8092      Elite Document Analysis service port

8101        KM Search service port

9200      Elastic Search Application Access service port

9300      Elastic Search Internal Communication service port

20000    Cite Executor service port

20001     Outside In service port


In addition, for communication to occur between West km and Westlaw servers, your West km servers must allow HTTP and port 80 or HTTPS and port 443 access through your firewall to these URLs:












            Antivirus Configuration

                 Configuration of your server in accordance with Microsoft knowledge base article 327453.

                                Note: Carbon Black is not supported and must be turned off during installation.




Document Management System (DMS) Configuration

One item under each category is required and is the client’s responsibility to provide.


Database Management (as required by your DMS) 

Microsoft SQL Server

Supported Document Formats

*West km maximum file size supported is 50MB.

Document Format


Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx)

versions 1.0 through 365

Corel WordPerfect (.wpd)

versions 5.1 through X7

Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.pdf)

Acrobat versions 1 through 11

Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows (.ppt or .pptx)

versions 3.0 through 365

Rich Text Format (.rtf)


Microsoft Outlook Message (.msg)


HTML (.html)



DMS Types



·         Server versions: 8.5, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4

·         Client dll versions (64-bit):,


iManage Cloud

·         Versions: 10.0.1, 10.0.2, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3

·         Required Configuration Settings - The following settings should be placed on all files under Server in the Server Settings section and the Distributed Architecture section if it exists:




       Configuration File Locations:

       D:\Program Files\Autonomy\Indexer\WorkSite IDOL\WorkSite IDOL.cfg

       D:\Program Files\Autonomy\Indexer\WorkSite Content\WorkSite Content.cfg

       D:\Program Files\Autonomy\Indexer\WorkSite Active Content\WorkSite Active Content.cfg



·         West km supports NetDocuments full document-level security

·         NetDocuments saved searches or the West km vetting toolkit can be used to identify the documents brought into West km.


Open Text eDOCS DM

·         Versions: 10, 16, 16.5

·         A SQL account is needed in order to establish connection to eDocs. To index documents, a Windows account with a network alias assigned is needed.



·         Versions: 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

·         A SQL account is needed in order to establish connection to ProLaw. To index documents, a Windows account with access to physical documents is needed.



·         Read-Execute access to all content in share

·         Maximum file path of 255 characters


Connectivity Accounts

The following accounts are required:

·         A Windows domain user account (or several local user accounts) with read-only rights to all West km server components and to all NTFS documents that West km will access directly, including documents managed with the following DMSs: eDOCS DM, and ProLaw.

o    iManage/iManage Cloud – DMS account with nrtadmin rights and roles to DMS, datareader access to DMS SQL. An application will need to be setup in iManage with a client id and client secret.

o    eDocs – Remote User account with Read/Execute access to documents on DMS and datareader access to DMS SQL.

o    ProLaw – Remote User account with Read/Execute access to documents on DMS and datareader access to DMS SQL.

o    NetDocuments - Cabinet admin account for Net documents to create mappings, ie matter id, matter name, client id, client name and accessing NetDocuments ID for users.


Remote Access

Provide Thomson Reuters with VPN-based remote access to the West km server for installation and on-going support. Examples of VPN-based methods include the following:

Terminal Services
Cisco VPN
Direct Windows Remote Desktop


User Desktop Configuration

Adobe Reader is required to use the Image View feature; one item in each category below is required. Drafting Assistant is optional. Items are the client's responsibility to provide.

Operating System

Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Windows 11

Supported Browsers

Microsoft Edge current version
Firefox current version
Chrome current version

The following must be enabled:


Screen Resolution

1024 x 780 or higher

Drafting Assistant

For Drafting Assistant, see these additional requirements for the client configuration.


Capacity Planning

A one-server configuration can usually be used for an environment running 250,000 or fewer indexed documents. For larger document collections, please consult with your West km representative regarding recommended configuration.


Recommended Sizing Configuration

Document Count

Recommended Configuration


Server 1 – 8 cores, x32 GB RAM (Delivery)



< 250,000

SQL Server









Elasticsearch: Master, Ingest, Data


250,000 - 500,000

Server 1 – 8 cores, x32 GB RAM (Delivery)


SQL Server





Server 2 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM


Elasticsearch: Master, Ingest, Data

500,000 - 1,000,000

Server 1 – 8 cores, x32 GB RAM (Delivery)






Server 2 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

SQL Server



Server 3 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

Elasticsearch: Master, Ingest, Data


1,000,000 - 2,000,000

Server 1 – 8 cores, x32 GB RAM (Delivery)






Server 2 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

SQL Server


Server 3 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

Elasticsearch: Master, Ingest, Data

Server 4 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

Elasticsearch: Ingest, Data

Server 5 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

Elasticsearch: Ingest, Data


Server 1 – 8 cores, x32 GB RAM (Delivery)






Server 2 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

SQL Server


Server 3 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

Elasticsearch: Master, Ingest, Data

Server 4 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

Elasticsearch: Ingest, Data

Server 5 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

Elasticsearch: Ingest, Data

Server 6 - 8 cores, x32 GB RAM

Elasticsearch: Ingest, Data



Disk Space Calculations


Speak with your West km representative regarding recommended disk space based on your content and average document size.


Calculations should also take into account these considerations:

·         Growth: Growth: the number of years in the server cycle, user search frequency, and the approximate number of new documents being added to West km per year.

·         Backup/recovery: the ability to perform backup and recover procedures on a server within a specified period of time.




Upgrades are not supported from West km 5.x and earlier. A new installation is required.


Contact Us

If you have questions about West km requirements, call or e-mail

West km Technical Support
1-888-WESTKM1 (1-888-937-8561)

Support hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. central time, Monday through Friday.


This document is current as of February 9, 2024.
© 2024 Thomson Reuters
West km is a 
trademark of Thomson Reuters